Standing Out Without Cutting Your Price
The numbers don’t look good this month. Your costs keep climbing while the supermarket down the street sells knockoffs of your products at rock-bottom prices. Your hands grip the edge of your desk as you wonder if it’s time to slash your own prices to stay alive.
beyond the price, the Real Value of Handmade
Last week, a customer watched you sort through blackberries, tossing aside the overripe ones. “That’s why your jam tastes better,” she said. “The stores just dump everything in.” She gets it – the price of your jam is higher because every batch matters. Your early mornings and stained hands aren’t just making food – they’re preserving a way of doing things right.
Roots That Run Deep
Walk into any grocery store and find shelves packed with generic products from nowhere. But your hot sauce? It started in your grandmother’s kitchen. The peppers grow in fields, which you can see in your production space. That connection to place can’t be faked; plenty of customers know the difference.
Market Day Magic
The real magic happens at markets and events. You watch their faces as they sample – first the raised eyebrows at your prices, then the moment of truth when they taste. Between bites, they ask about your process and your ingredients. When they walk away with their first purchase, they’ve heard about your 4am baking starts or the local farm where you source. Next week, they’re back with friends, telling your story before you can.
No Shortcuts
Money gets tight. The temptation creeps in after another price increase from suppliers. Maybe swap out those premium ingredients. Rush a batch to boost production. Skip a few steps. But one compromise leads to another until the food loses its soul. Your Tuesday regular who drives across town for your bread – she’ll notice. That family who serves your sauce at every gathering – they’ll taste it. Trust takes years to build and minutes to break. Quality isn’t just about ingredients – it’s about looking your customers in the eye, knowing you gave them your best.
At the end of the day, you’re not competing to be the cheapest option. You’re creating food with integrity, made by real hands for real people who still believe that some things are worth paying more for. Price is what you pay, value is what you get.
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Crafted Kitchen operates as an incubator-style shared-use kitchen in the Arts District of Los Angeles. We provide small food businesses with the tools, access and resources to turn their side hustle into a success story. Looking for kitchen space in Los Angeles or just want a little advice? Let’s talk. Schedule a call today!
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