Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in membership at Crafted Kitchen. We appreciate your inquiry and look forward to learning more about you and your small food business.
This application may take up to 30 minutes to complete. Let’s get started!
Tell Us About Yourself.
Applicant’s First Name
Applicant’s Last Name
Home Address
Postal Code
Preferred Phone Number
Great! Now Tell Us About Your Business!
Business Name
Describe your business in 1-2 sentences
Do you have business partners?
Name(s) of Business Partners (if applicable)
What is the legal status of your business?
If you checked “Other”, please describe the legal status of your business.
Website Address (if applicable)
Business Facebook page (if applicable)
Business Instagram Page (if applicable)
What kind of business do you hope to operate out of Crafted Kitchen?
In order to be issued a Public Health Permit, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health requires certain documents. Please check all that you currently have in good standing:
How did you learn about Crafted Kitchen?
If you checked “Other”, please tell us how you learned about Crafted Kitchen?
Let’s Talk A Little About Entrepreneurship.
Is this your first time running a business?
If you answered “No”, can you tell us about your earlier business?
Please describe how your business experience, life experience and/or professional experience would contribute to you being a successful entrepreneur in your current food business venture.
What are your 2 to 3 business goals for the next year? For the next 5 years?
How do you envision yourself contributing to the Crafted Kitchen community? What special skills or talents do you bring that could be a benefit to our community of food businesses?
How far along is your business?
Where are you currently cooking?
If you checked “Other”, please tell us where you are currently cooking.
Please provide the name of the facility, name & contact information for the facility manager and the terms of your tenancy.
Crafted Kitchen can help you run your business more effectively. Please check all that apply.
If you checked “Other”, please tell us how Crafted Kitchen can help you run your business more effectively.
Are you looking for referrals to pre-screened business professionals? If so, check all that apply.
If you checked “Other”, please tell us what other business referral(s) you are looking for.
Please attach your resume.
Please attach a sample menu.