• Sales Pitfalls: the top 6, tips To Avoid Them and What To Do If You “Pit Fell.” 

    Over and over, when approaching new wholesale buyers, new food businesses (and existing!) make easily correctable tactical errors. Here are the top 6 sales pitfalls: As the founder, you’re excited to get a new account. That’s understandable. Saying “yes” to accounts that are outside your region, not aligned with your known target customer, beyond your…

  • boost your online sales by 10% in 1 hour

    Fact: 72.8% of online shopping carts are abandoned Disheartening, right? Here’s the opportunity: what if you could decrease abandoned carts and boost online sales to verified buyers? First things first, celebrate!  Idea: When you get your product online, optimizing and setting up the various moving parts is critical. Using back-end systems to incentivize shoppers and…

  • Hiring Requires a Marketing Strategy

    Huh? When we think about hiring, we consider the ideal skills and attributes needed for the position, right? Posting your job opening and hoping the right person will see it isn’t a good strategy. Hiring requires a marketing strategy. Marketing is all about showing shoppers how you can solve their problem better than anyone else,…

  • Are You High Maintenance?

    Wholesale buyers are busy. Don’t roll your eyes or get fussy. I know. We’re all busy. Right now, you’re saying, “It’s their job to find new products for their shelves.”  Their job goes way beyond finding new products.  Why it’s important NOT to be high maintenance. Buyers are less likely to work with you. To…

  • Eat the Frog

    Eat the Frog

    Mark Twain said, and I paraphrase, “If you need to eat a frog, eat it first thing in the morning, and if you have to eat two, eat the bigger one first.” If you’re working on your business, you’ve got to learn to do this…eat the frog.  Here’s what it means: we all have things…

  • 3 Mistakes in Choosing a Business Name

    Think the naming of your business is just a “formality”? It’s not.